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Showing posts from December, 2010

There's Something in the Water

This past Thanksgiving holiday I took my annual family trip to my home town, High Point, North Carolina. As usual it was an action packed week of good eats and life lessons. Earlier this year I decided that with each visit home that I would film and/or photograph High Point the way that I see it. Seeing a place that you've known and loved your entire life thru the lens of a camera is totally different than seeing it day to day. Knowing the cracks of the pavement without looking down, or knowing position of the sun with each season that passes and telling time by it with no watch. All of the above move me when I think about home. So on the last day of my trip I started walking and I realized what I should have a long time ago, "There's Something in the Water". The untold stories and secrets of the photos below help reveal the untapped heritage of the black and white divisions and decisions of High Point. For example, I walked up Washington Street and a guy...