To understand what's good about a place you have to see it. You have to live it, love it, smell it, and often times it has too become a part of who you are. Those things only take place when you invest yourself in the experience of it. It requires a person to look deep into what some consider the ugliest parts of its' environment. For many that's a difficult stance to take. Primarily, because that type of thought process isn't the average person's reality. Investing all of who you are into an unfamiliar area requires a unmeasurable amount of selflessness. However, for those that take on the challenge of fostering an undaunted vision, they're now impacting generations beyond their years. Day campers dab after a one day football camp hosted by Ringo McKiver and former High Point All-Stars. Corey Dawkins High Point Hornets head basketball coach teaching a basketball skills camp. Coach Marcus Wilson helping with meals after football camp. They e...