Wow, what a weekend! ECU has never let me down when it comes to creating and reflecting on monumental moments. This past weekend was no different. From B. Paiz's hilarious flashback moment at the Chop House to the "Hot Mess Dressed Girls" at the social functions. Let's not forget the die hard Pirate fans who painted themselves with household paint and passed out from 10 times the normal limit of liquor consumption. Classic ECU you've gotta love it! Now you all know that I couldn't leave you with that blanket commentary without giving you my homecoming drill list. My disclaimer as a journalist the below is all true. Drill # 1 i'm sure you've all noticed by now that you have at least 10 new FB friend request since Saturday. i bet you only remember 3 of them. if we weren't cool in the 90's are we really gonna be FB friends in the 2000's? just food for thought. Drill # 2 if you didn't speak to me 10 years ago and you know that you ...