High Point is an experience. It’s the foundation of my success and the core of my being. It’s been a road map to freedom for millions. She’s rich in tradition and considered by many to be a melting pot for the Carolinas. In 1995 when I left for college I had no idea in the years that would follow, that High Point would be so heavily engrained in my soul. As young a person it’s easy to allow the quest for greatness to become tainted by life. High Point is who I am, the people, the sites, the smell of the handcrafted furniture being engineered by thousands and the authenticity of who High Point as a community. In those un-pure moments the thought of those things will remind you of whom and who’s you are. This weekend as I cruised by High Point University I was reminded by the voices of the great ones that are no longer with us. I thought about Mr. Fo Fo working in the cafeteria during my high school days at summer basketball c...