Four Seasons story below.
Someone's sidewalk home.
I call this guy newspaper man. He new everything about the upcoming election. I asked him how did he know so much he said he used to be a English Professor at a local college. He lost his job and he's been teaching the homeless to read for the past 2 years.
These guys have been friends for 25 years living on the streets together. One is blind and one is a recovering drug addict. I met them while they were feeding the pigeons.
As we approach the winter months "Homeless People" become more invisible and more visible all at the same time. Fortunately, there are some that still take time out to notice. I'd like to consider myself one of those people. I'm sure my colleagues and those alike would agree that it's very easy to forget about those less fortunate than us while out pounding the pavement reaching for the next big story. While all along we're walking past the stories that make our jobs more critical now than ever. The "Forgotten Few" is what I call them. Homeless People.
Folks with hearts. Folks with dreams. Folks with ambition. Folks that have been railroaded by life's challenges. Folks with broken spirits. I guess that's why I refuse to not notice because to some degree all of us are about $50 away from being on the streets. Maybe not in a literal sense but that's how difficult times are for some these days.
So as the leaves turn brown and red don't forget to notice the season as they change. Not the weather. The people. The day that I spent out on the streets of Baltimore capture those that haven't stopped believing despite living on the streets.
Thanks for listening.