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"The Point of It All"

In ten years I've never questioned my purpose beyond the gridiron. However, on this day I wondered why I was called to see the things that I see. Not that I mind having a unique gift and job, but sometimes the intensity of some images can be overwhelming. Nevertheless, like a college classmate told me, "J.J. somebody has to do it and it might as well be you". Another former classmate said, "I want to see the world the way that I see it". Those were two of the highest compliments to date in my young career.

Over the past three years I've dedicated a few weeks of photography to the homeless. The formal name for the series is, "100 Degrees and Homeless". I felt like the subtitle to this shoot should be, "The point of it all". It came to mind when I took the first shot. In the first image below I titled it, Mr. Steel. I have no idea if the gentleman below ever knew if I was there. What I do know is that he's a tough man. It was 103 that day. Hot enough to burn anyone beyond recognition if exposed to the sun to long. Each year that I photograph the homeless population I learn something about myself. I've not to look the other way and frown. I've learned that the point of it all is to remember that there is no such thing as an invisible man.

I'd like to hear what you all have to share about the homeless population.

Mr. Steel


Bag Lady at the Stop

The Suga Shack

Window Seat


LGWinstead said…
WOW is the first thought that comes to my mind when I look at those photos. With the countless things we have been blessed with we should be able to show compassion to others because we don't know what has caused them to get to that place. The point of it all is to remember each person has a story. We never know when or if we may be in there shoes. Thanks for sharing JJ and keep up the good work.
Anonymous said…
Wow. It's sad to think that years ago, they were someone's baby being nursed, held, & loved. Then, over the course of time or adverse situations occurred and they are now the subject of your photos. They are souls that God loves and they need our help. You captured them authentically.

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