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One Shot

Instant Vintage

The Moment

During my playing days at ECU, my head football Coach Steve Logan always stressed to me that when he called my number that I'd only get one shot at greatness. He never told me that I'd get a second chance if I got it right the first time. That's the beauty of sports. If you stay healthy, learn the system and produce you get chance after chance. That doesn't happen with entrepreneurship. If you get it right 9 times and on the 10th try you mess up, people will be hesitant about calling you back.

Today I met with a very influential person in the Baltimore business community. For the sake of privacy I'll refer to him as, "Mr. Glass". I'm sure he has wealth beyond my years, but the conversation felt as if I had know him for 32 of my 33 years on earth. He was a scholar and a transparent gentleman. He was also and Alum of Princeton University. Princeton happens to be on my 7 year old daughter's college watch list. This was a one shot conversation. A one shot meeting. The one shot at greatness. I have a great friend to thank for my introduction, Rock Harrison.

Where I am going with this?

Two weeks ago my cousin jumped the broom. It was a proud day. Fortunately, I was there as a supporter and not as the photographer. It was one of those rare moments in life where I had the freedom to choose whether I brought my camera along, or to leave it at home. Of course those of you that know me, there was no way that I'd leave my camera in the office. Needless to say, I don't regret for one moment grabbing my bag. As the day went on I had an "Oprah Ah Hah Moment". It took for me to have a day off to realize how often in my profession that I, we photographers, only get one shot when capturing life's special moments.

The same holds true with entrepreneurship, sports, education and life's grand choices. My mentor Earl Torain always say, "J, you're only as good as your last shoot". Talk about a humbling true statement? I hear his voice and those that I have met along the way each time I reach for my camera.

So those of you that haven't had that one moment where you realize that you only get one chance at greatness, wake up. It's there right in front of you. Your introduction to the rest of your life could be one moment away. It's right now.

I took two shots at my cousin's wedding and I believe they are two of the best that I've ever taken.

Thanks for always supporting my blogs.


Time waits for no man. Hesitate is you wish. Tick tick tick... Boom!

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