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The Measure of a Man.........

the details are below the photos it's a must read story for the men....

The title of this blog maybe familiar to some, it's that of the autobiography of actor Sidney Poitier.  When you mention his name the words courage, great, intelligent, daring, brilliant and faithful may come to mind.  I've got a new name that replaces those words, Von Johnson.   My friend. My brother.  My cousin.  My new HERO.

How and what does that have to do with the title? Yesterday, I observed what it means to live the final portion of your wedding vows,  "till death do us part"...... I can't even put it into words how I felt yesterday.  The only word that comes close is "helpless".  

It was one of the rare moments in life where you want to take someone else's pain and throw it down the river and start fresh.

I learned what the measure of a man is all about.  

Can you live on life's edge and handle all it dishes out?  Can you stand in the toughest moments of opposition?  Can you care for your spouse thru chemo, radiation, suffering and still do the right things?  Can you watch one of the most caring persons in this crazy world step into heaven without you?  Von did it and I admire him for his courage, strength and passion for his favorite girl.  In my young journalistic career I thought that I'd seen a lot.  Obviously I haven't, but there is one thing that I have seen and that's the true MEASURE OF A MAN.    

Support Breast Cancer Research, it's getting too much credit for claiming the lives of the great ones.



Anonymous said…
That was very heart felt I could feel,see and understand what you were saying. We must pray for those who are here on this side because the truth is those who left before us, in Right Standings are in a better place!
Anonymous said…
Life is cheating us all my brother. Its unfourtunate, Stay that we only become stronger because of the crushing defeats we all seem to face in life. Sadly these days, more often than not. Stay strong....
Anonymous said…
Wow! I can totally feel what you're saying. The real measurement comes from within. I watched someone go through a similar pain last year, and it tore me up. Though it wasn't my family and I was probably far removed from the true impact of the situation, I could identify with the courage it took to just stand in such a hard time. My prayers are with your cousin and all those who may be in similar battles.
DEE JAI said…
All i could hear as i read this blog was "Humble Love". This was spoken quitely but recieved loud and clear! My prayers are with you all.
This was awesome JJ....thank you....I could not be heart aches for Von and our Family...thank you for allowing me to see these photos...

Cuzzin Darren
Dani said…
J, that was deeply felt and there is nothing you can really say to a person who lost their better half. I have lost countless relatives, some distant many others very close never gets easier. I will continue to offer my prayers to you and others who have had to endure great loss...
"ET" said…
Right before our very eyes, a star is being born. Keep on Keepin' on JJ, cause somewhere over that rainbow, there is your pot of Gold!
I appreciate you opening our eyes to what's being revealed upon us.
Anonymous said…
That was heartfelt. Von I do not know you but I truly feel your pain. I wll be praying for you and your children.
Anonymous said…
What’s up man!? I want to challenge you to keep doing what you’re doing with this blog. Whether you know it or not, you are affecting peoples lives in a positive way! Seriously, you and I need to conjure up some ideas and create some type of project to reach people on a broader scale. Its brothers like you who will leave an imprint in someone's life and will also be a catalyst for change. There is information and knowledge in us that needs to get out to the populace, the question is …how?

Anonymous said…

From one visual artist to the next, the pictures are truly powerful!!!

And thanks for sharing this blog. As a journalist, this is our calling to report the good not just the bad and ugly. You're true to your trade.

Thanks for this glimpse of what truest love really looks like.

My prayers are going up for you, your cousin, your family.
Anonymous said…
Dear J.J. and family, life dishes out some hurtful, heart wrenching blows, and I personally can relate to the PAIN, to lose such wonderful loved ones to the dreadful disease,my Prayers are definantly with you and Von and the entire family,only GOD and TIME can wipe away the hurt,tears and pain, only GOD and TIME!!!!
GECWA said…
Simply Beautiful!
Anonymous said…
This touches my heart. So many people choose not to live out the last promise of their wedding vows. Most of us don't even think about death when we are marrying. It is the furthest thing from our minds. If we live long enough, someone will depart.

Brother Von has shown us what love is. You have shown us how far Gods love can take us. Thank uou JJ, for sharing with us. I will be praying fo Brother Von, his children and the family.
Anonymous said…
All i want to say is that im very proud of you nephew. I like the way that you'er making a difference in people's lives through film but most of all the fact that you actually care enough to do what you do. My hats off to you,keep up the great work.
Anonymous said…
Hey JJ, thanks for sharing. I am praying for the Von family and for you my friend. James
Anonymous said…
WOW!! That is all I can say!! Thanks for Sharing!! My prayers goes out to the family!! Keep on doing your thing! I am proud of you!! You know you got me in tears!! :)
Anonymous said…
shana n.
All I can say is WOW! You know people really never stop and think about things. This blog will surely help one's mind to think. To see the pictures, to get a full effect of the visual was truly heart felt. My prayers go out to the family.
Anonymous said…
Wow! I don't even know what to say. That was MORE than beautiful.

JJ, your pictures are AMAZING! They remind me a lot of Moneta Sleet's work in Ebony magazine. Keep doing your thing, bro!
Anonymous said…
JJ, I don't know you or the family, but it was very touching to hear about a man that lived up to his vows like that...a young man at that. It was also beautiful of you to acknowledge him for it.
T. Burroughs said…
JJ, these words sparked a moment of evaluation within me in regard to both romantic and regular friendships... Going the distance and finishing regardless of how hard it seems and how much it hurts... that's really what makes a man
Anonymous said…
Hey JJ, you do not know how much this blog meant. What you captured is something a lot of people can not or will not take the time to see. My prayers are with you and your family. Keep your head up. Better yet, keep being who you are. God Bless
Anonymous said…
Words cannot express how much this presentation has changed my life. In life we take things and people for granted, but we should not. My eyes are open to the reality of showing love to everyone even on a deeper level. Life is too short. Life is also filled sacrifice one for another. Thanks for sharing.My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

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