In my last blog I said that August was a busy month and that was no lie. So with that being said, we have one more birthday to celebrate. Uncle Clarence!
Uncle Clarence is a gentleman that I've heard nothing but good things about for many years but I'd never met him prior this past Sunday. It only makes sense being that we aren't related, lol.
Stay with me I'm going somewhere fast with this one.
Growing up around older people I learned to appreciate the elders of the village and at age 93 I believe Uncle Clarence has more than exercised his right to be the "man". What impressed me
most was that he couldn't have been more than 5 ft 3 inches tall and a good number of us were 12 to 14 inches taller and at least 100 pounds heavier but he still had our respect and attention as if he was 7 ft tall. As a child and now young adult that's what the old school legacy is to me, respecting the elders of the village no matter what size and stature of the person.
I've often heard people say that you can tell a tree by the fruit it bares. I believe that's a fitting statement if you compare Uncle Clarence's fruit to many of today's crops. If we're lucky for some and blessed for others to see age 93 and still be of sound body and mind; I'd want to do it like Uncle Clarence.
So I close out my birthday month with a tribute to a man and his legacy, one far greater than he could have ever imagined.
Happy 93th Birthday Uncle Clarence!