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I Used To Love Her

Every now and then professionals take time out to capture things that are important to them. This weekend I did just that. Unfortunately, it was about 17 degrees when I decided to do it, lol. Nevertheless I'd like to share this one with all of you who want to move to the next level with whatever you're planning to do in 2009.

In 1982 I was five years old innocent and untainted. At that age you're incapable of knowing about love or at least the levels of it. One day I was introduced to this thing, this girl, this object. I remember the day I spotted her. She was trimmed in white, highlighted in green and about five hundred people stood around her cheering as she withstood the pressure of the crowd. She was confident and unmoved by the crowds roar.

I remember asking my dad if I could make her a permanent fixture in my life. He said, "only if you're committed". I was pumped because I knew then that I wanted to give her all of me. That was the day I fell in love. In the years that followed she took me everywhere. She paid for my education, she sponsored road trips and she even helped me make some life long friends. She was so powerful she even put me through months of physical therapy after she injured my spinal cord. With all of that my love for her never wavered. Since then I've moved on but we've remained friends. Neither of us have forgotten the wonderful road that we've travelled. I Used To Love Her but now we're just friends...

I thought I'd put a little spin on this blog. For those of you that don't know I'm an ex-football player that suffered a spinal cord injury while I was in college. The point that I've tried to make with this blog is to not be afraid to move forward with your dreams. There will be moments in life when something that you care about gets ripped to shreds; but the flip side is when it happens, life leaves you no other choice but to bounce back. So for the folks that have lost jobs don't lose sight of your dreams. I'm a witness to the miracles of life.

I wish all of you well in 2009. The girl I used to love is below. She's still supporting my dreams today...

My New View.

The Rock.

My Old Friends.


Anonymous said…
Great blog J, I am leaving a lot of things behind his year. And I used to love her... is a very real title for what has happened. Thanks for being the best in what you do, thank you for honesty, thank you for challenging me this year and most of all thank you for a true friendship!! I can't wait to see what 2009 has in store!!
Anonymous said… you never cease to amaze me. This blog was a very interesting, yet timely one. As we embark upon the new year, many people are embracing changes that they would like to make for 2009. Some of which involves cutting some things as well as some people off. Thanks again for sharing those deep thoughts that go on in your head. Truly it's a blessing to have you as a "Real" friend!!
Anonymous said…
Once again ....your blog has touched my heart....You are so good at what you do and everytime i see your work it makes me grateful for having such a bless man in my life....i'm so happy to call u my friend...2009 has so much in store for u and you family...may God bless and continue to keep yall in perfect peace..luv
Olivia Shaw said…
JJ I am always moved by what you write. Thank you for sharing, there is so much more to you than I know and I am loving the fact that I am finding those things out, Love, Oliva

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