I promised myself years ago that I wouldn't compromise the art of what I do and who I am for the sake of public opinion. I'm learning the deeper that I dig into my craft to hold onto those values. When I was a Junior in college I remember reading an article somewhere, and it made reference to a period photograph by the late Gordon parks. It spoke to the time that past in between some of his most influential photos. I believe just like life, each image has a lesson or meaning behind it, and with each passing year those lessons move me in some form or fashion.
The photo above is no exception to that theory. Now that we're closing out another successful year, I've started to do some film review. I've tried to ignore the photo above on many occasions. Some would ask, why? It's simple. The photo above is entitled, Freedom Song. Mainly for obvious reasons, but more importantly for the not so obvious reasons.
Here is what I hear when I see this image. I've made some poor choices. I have to live with the consequences of my actions. When my brother died I was in more bondage than he. When my mother died I was in more bondage than she. The only time that I'm free is when I look into the mirror to face the consequences of my actions. Only then do I sing the Freedom Song.
The film Shaw Shank Redemption taught me that the layers of the freedom song tunnel much further than the surface. Make the right choice.