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Simply Gorgeous

As we move into a new season of celebrations, I felt like this blog would be fitting. I often reflect on each quarter of the year that passes, and in this moment of reflection, I can't go any further without paying homage to one of the most dedicated young people on my staff. I just read an article that highlighted today's young people as bad apples. One segment of it compared them to seedless grapes. Fortunately for me, that article doesn't hold water in comparison to my young staff members.

Society has created this negative stigma that we, "meaning people", don't support young people until or unless they're down and out. So this evening I decided to reach back a few months and support one my own young people.

A few months ago Ariel one of our interns invited myself and a few members of our team to see her off to the senior prom. It was a typical busy weekend for me, but I knew it was an event that I couldn't miss. I'm glad that I didn't. Especially, after reading tonight's article. Often many times we don't celebrate our young people's successes and then we wake up wondering why they're looking for love in the wrong places. Failing at most everything and including what we view as the simple things. Fortunately, the solution is right in front of us. It's clear and precise. It's this small but important thing called time.

So today on her birthday I'm stopping along with many others to pay homage to one of our brightest stars on her birthday, Ariel.

Wishing you many more from the Goal Line Media and L.O.V families!

Simply Gorgeous

The Perfect Date


olivia bond said…
It so funny how some people look down on use young peopel now in days but this young lady is one person in my life that i can say i look up to she always bring joy and happyness to my day every time i see her i can truly say that i love her with every thing in me!!!!
Tavon Lawrence said…
Ariel's commitment and dedication is evident through the work that she does. Ariel is always there when you need her and always has a positive attitude. Ariel is proof to the world that when anyone is truly part of God's Kingdom, none of those statistics hold to be true.

Shout outs to the "Simply Gorgeous" Miss Ariel on her Birthday. Keep progressing and allowing God to use you in every way possible...Happy Birthday - HATER!
Tony Graham said…
Now that what I'm talking about. Let them know now how important they are to not only their own future but ours as well! Hope you had a great birthday, Ariel!! Keep striving and pursuing your goals. Thanks again J.J. for giving back! May God continue to bless you in all your endeavors!!

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